I got my lost posts back in blogger ♥
Oh well I posted it all again...
I'm going mad with all these exams I have. I think I didnt pass math exam again and I have school only 2 weeks anymore. And if I didnt pass chemistry exam I will cry ;___;"
My sister's daughter called me yesterday do I wanna go to watch with her some movie... GUESS WHICH MOVIE..... Pirates of the Caribbean 4..... So I'm going today to watch it _AGAIN_ :D
Last saturday was pretty cool hahah. I had some confirmation stuff "Can't u c the crusifix". It took all day from me x.......x But thank god I have awesome friends ♥ :p I went out like 2:30pm and I came back to home 11:30pm. Whole day with my friends grr ♥
There were playing some random bands lol and the last band which played was fucking awesome! heheh I'm going again on next year to Can't u c the crusifix thing :p
Now I'm playing Sly 2 *---* I love this game ♥ Even I sometimes need Vili's help with it xD lol...
Oh well I think its time to say
BYEBYES xoxox again :p
Btw... I had time for dentist today ;_____;" I hate dentist... it was terrible.
+ Sorry about all mistakes I wrote this again a bit too fast and I'm busy with this Sly game and kgjsöjsfjsdfd...
Welcome to my blog~ I'll tell you about my life and what is in my mind. I hope you enjoy♥ xoxox
maanantai 23. toukokuuta 2011
torstai 19. toukokuuta 2011
Pirates of the Caribbean; On stranger tides
Freakin awesome movie I think heheh~♥ I love pirates :p
I watched it with my friends Amdi, Minna and Vili and tomorrow I'm going to watch it 3D with my parents lol :p
Johnny Depp is awesome heheh ♥
I'm not going to tell more about the movie cos I dont wanna ruin it from someones. Just have to say its awesome I think. My favourite of Pirates of the Caribbeans is maybe 1st or 2nd.
Well anyways now I gotta go to sleep~
I'm sorry I didnt write more but I'm really really tired... :/
Nights xoxox!
I watched it with my friends Amdi, Minna and Vili and tomorrow I'm going to watch it 3D with my parents lol :p
Johnny Depp is awesome heheh ♥
I'm not going to tell more about the movie cos I dont wanna ruin it from someones. Just have to say its awesome I think. My favourite of Pirates of the Caribbeans is maybe 1st or 2nd.
Well anyways now I gotta go to sleep~
I'm sorry I didnt write more but I'm really really tired... :/
Nights xoxox!

tiistai 17. toukokuuta 2011
The RainyDay and Barber~
I woke up this morning and I was freakin tired x....x I'm still tired lol.
And it was _cold_! I thought this morning it will be warmer but oh well it was raining. And its still raining! Holy shit x....x
Yesterday we cleaned product racks. This pic isnt from this barber I'm working at ~
We cleaned up few other racks too. Lot of cleaning :D Well we are actually only cleaning that place... 3 days of cleaning and cleaning and cleaning...
Today we took rubbish out and cleaned more. We took hairs away from magazined and something like that :D And you can believe how hairy my clothes were again x......x gosh.
Btw... My sister's daughter is watching Disney Channel... :D Something about Donald Duck.
and older sister's daughter is eating ice cream with her friend and there is _raining_! Idiots xD
I'm maybe going to gym today. I dont know :p Let's see x
Gosh my dog is lady xD She cant walk on the ground what is wet xD lol.
But now :p
Byebyes xoxox
And it was _cold_! I thought this morning it will be warmer but oh well it was raining. And its still raining! Holy shit x....x
Yesterday we cleaned product racks. This pic isnt from this barber I'm working at ~
Today we took rubbish out and cleaned more. We took hairs away from magazined and something like that :D And you can believe how hairy my clothes were again x......x gosh.
Btw... My sister's daughter is watching Disney Channel... :D Something about Donald Duck.
and older sister's daughter is eating ice cream with her friend and there is _raining_! Idiots xD
I'm maybe going to gym today. I dont know :p Let's see x
Gosh my dog is lady xD She cant walk on the ground what is wet xD lol.
But now :p
Byebyes xoxox
Hey again ~ :p
This day was pretty good except I had medical examination... It was terrible lol. I'm not going to tell more about it. I'm healthy lol.
I'm working at barber. Well I'm cleaning up that place with Amdi :p and doing something random. Next week back to school oh noezz... I love this week! I can sleep ♥ Tomorrow my works start at 10:30AM ♥! And my leotards was so freakin hairy after works xD lol.
And... Some guy stalker me... x....x gosh. He was following me today _everywhere_ I went.
Kind a sweet lol :D
And I have my bike! YAY! My dad fixed my bike ♥ love you daddy :) ♥
I'll write today later too lol. So cya later xoxox
Byebyes x
This day was pretty good except I had medical examination... It was terrible lol. I'm not going to tell more about it. I'm healthy lol.
I'm working at barber. Well I'm cleaning up that place with Amdi :p and doing something random. Next week back to school oh noezz... I love this week! I can sleep ♥ Tomorrow my works start at 10:30AM ♥! And my leotards was so freakin hairy after works xD lol.
And... Some guy stalker me... x....x gosh. He was following me today _everywhere_ I went.
Kind a sweet lol :D
And I have my bike! YAY! My dad fixed my bike ♥ love you daddy :) ♥
I'll write today later too lol. So cya later xoxox
Byebyes x
Summer xoxox
I just realized...
SUMMER is coming!
And my bday is coming!
July is coming...
and on July one of my dearest friend is coming to visit me xoxox
Well heheh... it was here now... Just wanted to tell you this all :p
Hope you dont mind lol x
Byebyes xoxox
SUMMER is coming!
And my bday is coming!
July is coming...
and on July one of my dearest friend is coming to visit me xoxox
Well heheh... it was here now... Just wanted to tell you this all :p
Hope you dont mind lol x
Byebyes xoxox
Nyan cat~
Fireflies ~ !
I'd like to make myself believe
That planet Earth turns slowly
It's hard to say but that I'd rather stay
Awake when I'm asleep
'Cause everything is never as it seems
When I fall asleep -Owl City-Fireflies
When I ate breakfast and did my make up I listened this song♥
It's most played song in my laptop lol :p
Charmander xoxox ♥

Byebyes xox
That planet Earth turns slowly
It's hard to say but that I'd rather stay
Awake when I'm asleep
'Cause everything is never as it seems
When I fall asleep -Owl City-Fireflies
When I ate breakfast and did my make up I listened this song♥
It's most played song in my laptop lol :p
Byebyes xox
sunnuntai 15. toukokuuta 2011
Eurovision 2011 and ice hockey !
Hey again heheh.
Now about Eurovision 2011 (yea I know Finland sucks) x
First I have to say how the hell Sweden was 3rd x......x Their song sucks! (finland aswell)
I think Estonia was pretty cool and Germany too :p Georgia was cool too :D
And WTFWTFWTF.... Norway gave 12 points to Finland?! muahahaha
and Iceland 10 points to Finland :D!
Oh well this year was pretty cool I think :D lol last time I watched Eurovision was 2007 and 2009.
And now a bit of ice hockey lol. I dont usually watch it but now I'm going mad with this game! Sweden-Finland oh my fucking god xD !!! If Finland win this whole shit I will fuck all!
I'm really going crazy... xD My parents are going to sleep and my dad said "if Finland win you can shout and loud!" and my mum dont think so lol.
Well let's see heheh.
Now byebyes xox
lauantai 14. toukokuuta 2011
After gym we went eat to chinese restaurant ♥ And then we went to buy me some shoes. My dad bought me high-heeled shoes yay ♥ heheh. Well we came back to home and I talked with my mum and blahblahblah...
My dad was sleeping and my mum said she wanna go to shopping. Well I wanted too! Of course heheh.
We didnt say anything to my dad lol.. we just left :D And my mum bought me shorts xoxox and shoes heheh :P
This kind of shorts ♥ :)
I kind a *cough* broke my camera so I cant take pictures of shoes and I didnt find pics from internet soooooo... heheh :D I'm sorry.
Byebyes xoxox
After gym we went eat to chinese restaurant ♥ And then we went to buy me some shoes. My dad bought me high-heeled shoes yay ♥ heheh. Well we came back to home and I talked with my mum and blahblahblah...
My dad was sleeping and my mum said she wanna go to shopping. Well I wanted too! Of course heheh.
We didnt say anything to my dad lol.. we just left :D And my mum bought me shorts xoxox and shoes heheh :P
I kind a *cough* broke my camera so I cant take pictures of shoes and I didnt find pics from internet soooooo... heheh :D I'm sorry.
Byebyes xoxox

I'm still a bit upset and I'm thinking about stuffs. These all things what happened just happened too fast and all. I'm confused x.....x
My mum went haywire last evening cos I didnt tell her whats wrong. I promised I'll tell her later but hmm... Dont know what to tell her.
I woke up 9:40AM and I went to gym at 10:00AM with my mum. Good start for this day I hope. I dont wanna be upset lol... Oh well I'm lucky cos I have so amazing friends and they want to cheer me up♥ Love ya guys xoxox ♥
Now I'll go to shower and then I'll play Sly 2 !! woaa xox
Byes and cheers xoxox
perjantai 13. toukokuuta 2011
Well it's friday again and of course song of this day is Rebecca Black's Friday. I listened acoustic version of that song yesterday and is it Devin Fox on that vid?!
Wtf :D oh well lol.
I woke up at 9:10AM. All same things as always: shower, breakfast, make up, getting dressed... Then to barber~
Me and Amdi asked what we could do and oh my gosh xD We washed each others hairs with TIGI-products♥ and then we made curls to our hairs *---* <3 It was pretty cool to be like barber lol x
Here is pic of TIGI's
And well after that we cleaned up a bit and ate ice creams. Then back to home lol :D x Next week back to school...no way...
I've being thinking what if I would be barber on some day haha. Let's see lol.
Next wednesday xoxox!!! Pirates of the Caribbean 4 yay x
Btw... blogger didnt work few hours ago so it took some of my posts to somewhere x.....x I hope these posts will come back soon. And twitter makes me mad too x........x gosh...
I got really upset cos of few things what happened. Dont really wanna tell those stuffs here.
Only thing I just can say is I have very special friends x
I'm wondering why I cant live in England. Almost everything in Finland just keep me thinking I'm only fuck up. So... thanks a lot.
Now I really gotta go to sleep. I should be at gym at 10AM so...
Nights xoxox
Wtf :D oh well lol.
I woke up at 9:10AM. All same things as always: shower, breakfast, make up, getting dressed... Then to barber~
Me and Amdi asked what we could do and oh my gosh xD We washed each others hairs with TIGI-products♥ and then we made curls to our hairs *---* <3 It was pretty cool to be like barber lol x
Here is pic of TIGI's
I've being thinking what if I would be barber on some day haha. Let's see lol.
Next wednesday xoxox!!! Pirates of the Caribbean 4 yay x
Btw... blogger didnt work few hours ago so it took some of my posts to somewhere x.....x I hope these posts will come back soon. And twitter makes me mad too x........x gosh...
I got really upset cos of few things what happened. Dont really wanna tell those stuffs here.
Only thing I just can say is I have very special friends x
I'm wondering why I cant live in England. Almost everything in Finland just keep me thinking I'm only fuck up. So... thanks a lot.
Now I really gotta go to sleep. I should be at gym at 10AM so...
Nights xoxox
torstai 12. toukokuuta 2011
Randoms :p
Heheh. It's great to laugh with one of best friends ♥ xox
Oh well anyways I was at Amdi's home. heheh
We watched "Salatut Elämät" (finnish drama shit), Friends and Simpsons. We planed about weekend and we are maybe going to watch all of Pirates of the Caribbeans (except 4th lol). And I gotta go to church on sunday x.....x woaah.
Tomorrow is last day at barber. On monday...back to school. oh noezz..And I realized I have exams of chemistry and maths and I have to know some birds in biology. There is only 3 weeks school anymore and then its 2 and half months holiday ♥! I'm in heaven x...x !
Next wednesday I'm going to watch Pirates of the Caribbean 4 with Vili and Amdi ! Jack Sparrow pls marry me x♥... kk ignore that (´-´)
And do you know what... Tomorrow is FRIDAY! xoxox

heheh..pinguin.. :3
Byebyes xoxox

I think I'm in love ♥
Oh well anyways I was at Amdi's home. heheh
We watched "Salatut Elämät" (finnish drama shit), Friends and Simpsons. We planed about weekend and we are maybe going to watch all of Pirates of the Caribbeans (except 4th lol). And I gotta go to church on sunday x.....x woaah.
Tomorrow is last day at barber. On monday...back to school. oh noezz..And I realized I have exams of chemistry and maths and I have to know some birds in biology. There is only 3 weeks school anymore and then its 2 and half months holiday ♥! I'm in heaven x...x !
Next wednesday I'm going to watch Pirates of the Caribbean 4 with Vili and Amdi ! Jack Sparrow pls marry me x♥... kk ignore that (´-´)
And do you know what... Tomorrow is FRIDAY! xoxox
heheh..pinguin.. :3
Byebyes xoxox
I think I'm in love ♥
keskiviikko 11. toukokuuta 2011
Hey again ~ :p
This day was pretty good except I had medical examination... It was terrible lol. I'm not going to tell more about it. I'm healthy lol.
I'm working at barber. Well I'm cleaning up that place with Amdi :p and doing something random. Next week back to school oh noezz... I love this week! I can sleep ♥ Tomorrow my works start at 10:30AM ♥! And my leotards was so freakin hairy after works xD lol.
And... Some guy stalker me... x....x gosh. He was following me today _everywhere_ I went.
Kind a sweet lol :D
And I have my bike! YAY! My dad fixed my bike ♥ love you daddy :) ♥
Oh well I'll write later again ^^
Byebyes xoxox
I'll write today later too lol. So cya later xoxox
Byebyes x
This day was pretty good except I had medical examination... It was terrible lol. I'm not going to tell more about it. I'm healthy lol.
I'm working at barber. Well I'm cleaning up that place with Amdi :p and doing something random. Next week back to school oh noezz... I love this week! I can sleep ♥ Tomorrow my works start at 10:30AM ♥! And my leotards was so freakin hairy after works xD lol.
And... Some guy stalker me... x....x gosh. He was following me today _everywhere_ I went.
Kind a sweet lol :D
And I have my bike! YAY! My dad fixed my bike ♥ love you daddy :) ♥
Oh well I'll write later again ^^
Byebyes xoxox
I'll write today later too lol. So cya later xoxox
Byebyes x
tiistai 10. toukokuuta 2011
Heyo again~ Heheh...
Today I was with Vili again. And it was last day at that school where I was. Next week I'm going back to my real school :D
First Vili came to my home. There was so hot in my room x.....x so we thought if we would take something to drink and go to that ship again. Well Vili's mum called to Vili and she forget keys so Vili should go and open their home's door to her... And do you know what... Vili's mum's keys was on pocket of her jacket!!! Oh my gosh xD
I dont still have my bike so... I've walked two days xD Well no worries :D
And yayayayayay! Vili have Sly 2! xD So I played it when Vili ate.
Oh well we went to harbour again to that ship for childs xD We called to Mika and he came there too.
We had so much fun again yayay ~ heheh.
Btw.. Next year I'm going to Thailand (again...) but not to Phuket. Now we are going to Khao Lak with my family and with my friend's family. I cant wait xoxox !!!
So byebyes xox ! Cya again (:
Btw.. if you want me to write about something just say :p and if you wanna know something just ask :p I dont bite lol x
Today I was with Vili again. And it was last day at that school where I was. Next week I'm going back to my real school :D
First Vili came to my home. There was so hot in my room x.....x so we thought if we would take something to drink and go to that ship again. Well Vili's mum called to Vili and she forget keys so Vili should go and open their home's door to her... And do you know what... Vili's mum's keys was on pocket of her jacket!!! Oh my gosh xD
I dont still have my bike so... I've walked two days xD Well no worries :D
And yayayayayay! Vili have Sly 2! xD So I played it when Vili ate.
Oh well we went to harbour again to that ship for childs xD We called to Mika and he came there too.
We had so much fun again yayay ~ heheh.
Btw.. Next year I'm going to Thailand (again...) but not to Phuket. Now we are going to Khao Lak with my family and with my friend's family. I cant wait xoxox !!!
So byebyes xox ! Cya again (:
Btw.. if you want me to write about something just say :p and if you wanna know something just ask :p I dont bite lol x
3 special ppl in my life ♥
Hehe. I'm a bit bored so I'd like to tell you about my best friends x
Then I didnt know this girl I talked with would be my best friend ever. Even I was so young and oh well she was a bit (5 years) older than me. Without her I would be nothing♥ And what the hell this day (5.1.) is Miku's bday. He is vocalist of An Cafe and Lc5.
There have been good times and bad times and there is coming lot of more these times but we will stay friends 4ever...♥ xoxox
Autumn 2010
I met other best friend. Well we kind a knew each others cos we were friends when we were kids. :D lol x actually I think we will never grow up and be adults cos oh well. I think you know why xD
This guy is so special. Sometimes I can just wonder how so different ppl can be best friends. Seriously you are just like lil bro to me! I really really hope I can keep this guy in my life until the day I die lol :D And thanks for helping me so much and I'm sorry when I've being idiot and when I treat you so wrong.
Oh my god...
This guy really changed my life. In world there is not enough words to tell you how much you mean to me..♥ Every time I've been upset you make me smile x sometimes you are such an idiot and I say I hate you even *cough* I dont mean it at all :A
But every time I need someone who is listening me.. you are there. And you always listen me and help me. Even I'm a cunt sometimes. You are one of them who safe my life x I'm not anything without you. I'm sorry I've being idiot and sometimes I didnt listen you when you tried to help me but I want you know I'm sorry. Love you my bitch x
I wouldnt be anything without these 3 special friends I have ♥ I love you all and I dont ever wanna lose you. x I hope if you read this you notice which one is yours (:
Well hehe...
Byebyes xoxox
Then I didnt know this girl I talked with would be my best friend ever. Even I was so young and oh well she was a bit (5 years) older than me. Without her I would be nothing♥ And what the hell this day (5.1.) is Miku's bday. He is vocalist of An Cafe and Lc5.
There have been good times and bad times and there is coming lot of more these times but we will stay friends 4ever...♥ xoxox
Autumn 2010
I met other best friend. Well we kind a knew each others cos we were friends when we were kids. :D lol x actually I think we will never grow up and be adults cos oh well. I think you know why xD
This guy is so special. Sometimes I can just wonder how so different ppl can be best friends. Seriously you are just like lil bro to me! I really really hope I can keep this guy in my life until the day I die lol :D And thanks for helping me so much and I'm sorry when I've being idiot and when I treat you so wrong.
Oh my god...
This guy really changed my life. In world there is not enough words to tell you how much you mean to me..♥ Every time I've been upset you make me smile x sometimes you are such an idiot and I say I hate you even *cough* I dont mean it at all :A
But every time I need someone who is listening me.. you are there. And you always listen me and help me. Even I'm a cunt sometimes. You are one of them who safe my life x I'm not anything without you. I'm sorry I've being idiot and sometimes I didnt listen you when you tried to help me but I want you know I'm sorry. Love you my bitch x
I wouldnt be anything without these 3 special friends I have ♥ I love you all and I dont ever wanna lose you. x I hope if you read this you notice which one is yours (:
Well hehe...
Byebyes xoxox
Oh my gosh. It's freaking boring x....x
I shouldnt have school thiz week but I guess I did wron coices (?). I'll explain later xD
I didnt pass my math exam (as you guys know) and now I have to do these same things I didnt pass. Dont think I'm stupid but...
Change to dl
Didnt pass these stuffs xD
Me and my friend Amdi have now double maths and then SWEDISH.....
Oh my gosh kill me pls.
Now its last lesson of doubles. yay... :D
I'm not at my school. Here is much much older students :D I'll explain later dears♥
Byebyes xoxox btw sorry about all mistakes... I dont have much time to write now xd
I shouldnt have school thiz week but I guess I did wron coices (?). I'll explain later xD
I didnt pass my math exam (as you guys know) and now I have to do these same things I didnt pass. Dont think I'm stupid but...
Change to dl
Didnt pass these stuffs xD
Me and my friend Amdi have now double maths and then SWEDISH.....
Oh my gosh kill me pls.
Now its last lesson of doubles. yay... :D
I'm not at my school. Here is much much older students :D I'll explain later dears♥
Byebyes xoxox btw sorry about all mistakes... I dont have much time to write now xd
maanantai 9. toukokuuta 2011
This day was so awesome! Have to say. It was beautiful weather and all. And I was happy yaaay :D
4PM I went to town with one of my dearest friend, Vili. Oh well we bought ice lollys and you can imagine how good it tastes when its sooo hot...♥ I love summer.
We went back to my home with Vili and I drove my scooter to backyard. I love driving♥
However, we planed if we could go to swim...We never didnt. xD And we bought cookies and fanta and went to Kasperi beach :p we talked about birds (wtf) and laughed A LOT...
Then my other friend Mika came and we went to harbour. It was a bit unfair cos boys had bikes and I *cough* kind a broke my bike this morning so... well nevermind :D
Oh my gosh it was so epic xD we went to some childs ship and played Pirates of the Caribbean♥ I was Jack Sparrow \.../ and you can only imagine and wonder how epic it was. Me and Vili never grow up and be adults...♥
8PM we went to my home and you can guess what I did. Drove my scooter back to garage xD
And now I should go to sleep... lol its 11:47PM...
Byebyes xoxox cya l8r ♥
4PM I went to town with one of my dearest friend, Vili. Oh well we bought ice lollys and you can imagine how good it tastes when its sooo hot...♥ I love summer.
We went back to my home with Vili and I drove my scooter to backyard. I love driving♥
However, we planed if we could go to swim...We never didnt. xD And we bought cookies and fanta and went to Kasperi beach :p we talked about birds (wtf) and laughed A LOT...
Then my other friend Mika came and we went to harbour. It was a bit unfair cos boys had bikes and I *cough* kind a broke my bike this morning so... well nevermind :D
Oh my gosh it was so epic xD we went to some childs ship and played Pirates of the Caribbean♥ I was Jack Sparrow \.../ and you can only imagine and wonder how epic it was. Me and Vili never grow up and be adults...♥
8PM we went to my home and you can guess what I did. Drove my scooter back to garage xD
And now I should go to sleep... lol its 11:47PM...
Byebyes xoxox cya l8r ♥
Ta-daa !
Im back with new blog!
This time I really really promise to write this blog as soon as I can. And now I start to write it in english. OK Lets start!
Oh well, about these few weeks. I felt a little bit lost and I've being a bit depressed. Problems with friendships and all. I didnt pass math exam and I get 4 of three subjects! I'm glad I anyways pass all these subjects. ♥ I've done lot of work and I've being busy with school and all.
Now I hope I can start next school year with happy mind. Last year of that school where I study.. then is one question more.. Where I should go next? Well let's think about it later ;)
I realized how much I love my friends. I have actually 3 amazing friend and on last few weeks I realized how important they are to me. Even I was scared of lose two of them now I know I dont ever never lose them ♥ thanks a lot xoxox
My _best_ friend (who I almost lost) is such amazing. Even she maybe dont believe it. I love you babe so much xox
Well... I'll write later again (:
Byes xoxox
This time I really really promise to write this blog as soon as I can. And now I start to write it in english. OK Lets start!
Oh well, about these few weeks. I felt a little bit lost and I've being a bit depressed. Problems with friendships and all. I didnt pass math exam and I get 4 of three subjects! I'm glad I anyways pass all these subjects. ♥ I've done lot of work and I've being busy with school and all.
Now I hope I can start next school year with happy mind. Last year of that school where I study.. then is one question more.. Where I should go next? Well let's think about it later ;)
I realized how much I love my friends. I have actually 3 amazing friend and on last few weeks I realized how important they are to me. Even I was scared of lose two of them now I know I dont ever never lose them ♥ thanks a lot xoxox
My _best_ friend (who I almost lost) is such amazing. Even she maybe dont believe it. I love you babe so much xox
Well... I'll write later again (:
Byes xoxox
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