Oh well anyways I was at Amdi's home. heheh
We watched "Salatut Elämät" (finnish drama shit), Friends and Simpsons. We planed about weekend and we are maybe going to watch all of Pirates of the Caribbeans (except 4th lol). And I gotta go to church on sunday x.....x woaah.
Tomorrow is last day at barber. On monday...back to school. oh noezz..And I realized I have exams of chemistry and maths and I have to know some birds in biology. There is only 3 weeks school anymore and then its 2 and half months holiday ♥! I'm in heaven x...x !
Next wednesday I'm going to watch Pirates of the Caribbean 4 with Vili and Amdi ! Jack Sparrow pls marry me x♥... kk ignore that (´-´)
And do you know what... Tomorrow is FRIDAY! xoxox
heheh..pinguin.. :3
Byebyes xoxox
I think I'm in love ♥
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