maanantai 6. kesäkuuta 2011

Confirmation school DAY 1

I woke up this morning 8AM -__-" My confirmation school started at 9AM and I was late lol. We got Bibles and we sang psalms. We had two breaks between few lessons and then we had meal break which was one hour.

One thing which make me thinking was when our teacher said "Everything except love is transient. Hate will disappear but love last forever." and I realized its true. I've hate few ppl in my life but after all they are still very important to me. For example my friend I've knew now 8 years. We have been argue many times and I've actually hate her many times but after all I've always loved her (as a friend lol). She have been mean to me and sometimes I wonder why I'm even her friend but its cos I still love her and she is important to me ♥ I can swear everyone have this kind of ppl in their lifes.

Thanks ~

and now its time to say byebyes xox ♥

sunnuntai 5. kesäkuuta 2011

Holiday yay~

Summer holiday started yesterday ♥ heheh (: FINALLY~
And my foots are burning x__x whole day I walked with high heel shoes. Well it doesnt matter to someones but it was my first time I walked with them fucking whole day so dont mind hehe. But I really love these shoes :p

I was awake 20 hours and I slept 10 hours :D njaah... I'm still tired...And I played Sly 2 again lol :D

Last night I went to some random party with my friends. Lol xd... Almost everyone were drunk there. When we (me and my friends) left we went to walk somewhere and we saw one guy laying on the ground. It was one guy from that party and it seems he was passed out. Well we woke him up and he went somewhere :D First he came with us back to his home but then he went somewhere lol.

Btw. I think that kind of party where everyone are drunk aint good thing. There have to be someone who take care of others. Well yesterday there was few ppl who werent drunk.

I planed I would clean up my room today cos I have confirmation school next week and then I have party here so my room should be clean :D Maybe I start today cleaning and I'll continue tomorrow after "school".

Btw... Could someone buy...
... this pillow to me? ♥ I would be happy happy girl!

But now byes xox !

torstai 2. kesäkuuta 2011

Plans for summer ♥

Fucking awesome! I got summer jobs today! I'm going to Kärsämäki on 20.6.. It's countryside hehe :p ♥ So u can guess what kind of jobs I'm going to do. I'll be there two weeks and lets see if I want go back later :p

Oh well I dont have any "free" week on June. Next week I'm on confirmation school x___x" and 13.6. I'm going to Tampere if its OK to my dear cousin who is coming back from Australia heheh x
And then yayay! To Kärsämäki (:

Last week have been freakin boring. At school we havnt do anything :D hahah.

My parents were in Estonia last weekend so I was alone at home. Well Vili was here with me :D heheh. We watched few Disney movies ♥

Now more about my summer:

6-10.6. Confirmation school
11.6. My confirmation party~ yay
13-19.6. (?not sure?) I visit my cousin in Tampere ♥
20.6.-1.7. Summer jobs at Kärsämäki
2-5/6.7. Power Park ~ ! ♥ (amusement park)
7.7. Tommi's concert (Tommi Kalenius) ♥!
15.7. MY BDAY WOOO! amazing 15 lol.
16.7. My bro's weddings :p
and then I dont know. Maybe I'm going back to Kärsämäki or I just stay here and waiting for my English friend ♥ hehe. I dont have any idea when he is coming.

Yesterday I was with my friends Minna, Riina and Elli. We went to Likolahti beach. Elli and Minna went to swim and me and Riina went mad with all fucking mosquitoes -__-" it was raining a bit and ahh how beautiful views can be♥ It was sooo beautiful *imintotallylove* ♥

Strawberries heheh ♥


Byebyes babes xoxox !