Oh well I dont have any "free" week on June. Next week I'm on confirmation school x___x" and 13.6. I'm going to Tampere if its OK to my dear cousin who is coming back from Australia heheh x
And then yayay! To Kärsämäki (:
Last week have been freakin boring. At school we havnt do anything :D hahah.
My parents were in Estonia last weekend so I was alone at home. Well Vili was here with me :D heheh. We watched few Disney movies ♥
Now more about my summer:
6-10.6. Confirmation school
11.6. My confirmation party~ yay
13-19.6. (?not sure?) I visit my cousin in Tampere ♥
20.6.-1.7. Summer jobs at Kärsämäki
2-5/6.7. Power Park ~ ! ♥ (amusement park)
7.7. Tommi's concert (Tommi Kalenius) ♥!
15.7. MY BDAY WOOO! amazing 15 lol.
16.7. My bro's weddings :p
and then I dont know. Maybe I'm going back to Kärsämäki or I just stay here and waiting for my English friend ♥ hehe. I dont have any idea when he is coming.
Yesterday I was with my friends Minna, Riina and Elli. We went to Likolahti beach. Elli and Minna went to swim and me and Riina went mad with all fucking mosquitoes -__-" it was raining a bit and ahh how beautiful views can be♥ It was sooo beautiful *imintotallylove* ♥

Byebyes babes xoxox !
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